And its endless complications.
Its reality and its delusions.
Its hope and beliefs.
Its pleasures and displeasure.
Many times a day do I try and look deeper into situations, find the route cause of a problem, or according to others .. "thinking too much/ over thinking."
This often occurs when I carry out particular actions myself. I apply books that I have read, lessons that I have learnt, beliefs that I follow, to myself and my own actions.
Maybe its purely because I think others think that of me, or its because I may aspire to work with people in the future.
With all of this said, it always redirects itself to, what do you believe in, and how does that apply to what actions you have carried out.
Does it have a purpose?
Like this moth I found on my wall. It has remained in my room for one whole day, only leaving a short while ago. Why did it not move from its spot all day?
This flower, may have a purpose for attracting attention of bees to collect their pollen.
Everything has a purpose.
YOU have a purpose.
I have a purpose.
WE have a purpose.
Whether you believe its to serve God or to help the people.
Having a purpose is the purpose of life.
Don't you think?
Sometimes its hard to put into words what is in your mind.
To be expressed or not to be is the question.
What is it that I want to improve on to fulfill my purpose?
Should we strive to want to be a flower whose purpose leads to trail of other roles or a moth whose role (I) do not yet understand.
Maybe that is the question I need to answer.

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