Monday, 7 September 2015


Asalamualaykum Warahmatullah,

Profanity here, nudity there, which ones do we fit into?

This world and its contradictory laws, claims and opinions can be so extreme, no wonder people are confused. 

The fact that we have people like Katie Hopkins who I quote recently said: "Show me bodies floating in water, play violins, and show me skinny people looking sad. I still don't care." WHO IS SHE?! 

WHY, and I repeat WHY is she allowed to say this so freely? HOW and I repeat HOW does she have the audacity to publicly express her opinions, when without fail she'd retaliate the moment others object to her unjustified opinions. 

The sheer nerve that people have these days to think they are being accepting and using the phrase "Its 2015 ..." as a way of thinking that we as a society have grown into a mass acceptance is just ridiculous. 

How DARE we sit here and complain and think we are important to express such disgusting views, that are just extremely vile, whilst our fellow brothers and sisters are out there SUFFERING, being PUSHED OUT OF THEIR HOMES, yet people call them MIGRANTS?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY.

We are so proud to say that we are growing and we are becoming accepting individuals and that things that wouldn't be allowed back in the day are now allowed, yet most of the things that we are accepting are things largely surrounding the LGBT community, less around accepting religion, yet we remain BLIND to poverty, helpless individuals by our media covering up REAL issues by talking about something such as 'coming out'. 

 Wow. Where our priorities lie is just amazing. 

I get that what is important is subjective, but wow. 

We are seriously lost. 

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