Asalamualaykum Warahmatullah,
Money is one of those things that we can all relate to as being a struggle or a focus in life.
I hold my hands up first to say I am so guilty of this.
I would like to use the fact that I am a student who is on a limited budget as an excuse but that is not enough.
There are times when the struggle is so real you don't know what to do. The days when you are in a position of having to hold yourself back with the lack of freedom, but even when you do have some sort of money it still isn't enough.
However, is that still a big enough excuse to not to donate to charity?
No, I don't think so. When you look at the story of Abu Bakr (AS) who gave up his wealth and left his family in the hand of Allah, that truly shows faith and belief.
He was never left poor. He was always wealthy in more ways than one.
In Islam, Charity is so important that it is part of the five pillars.
It has to be a constant reminder in our minds.
My mother always brought us up to understand that when you give, Allah gives you more than you ever gave to anyone.
There is a saying:
"When You Show Mercy, the Most-Merciful Will Not Let Your Mercy Exceed His."
I will not dwell on this topic too much, Instead I will direct you to a video that encapsulates everything and anything that I would like to write on this blog, it truly is an inspiration:
May Allah make our life easier and us more willing to give without thinking twice about it.
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