Friday, 22 April 2016


Asalamualaykum Warahmatullah, 

As a Muslim growing up I always was aware of Jannah and Jahanam (paradise and hell), and obviously would know that Jahanam is the worst thing ever and as a person I would never be able to cope and therefore to avoid it at all costs. 

However, I make mistakes, I fall back into habits that I promised myself that I wouldn't and i'm not perfect. 
So I did my research and wanted to remind myself and whoever else is interested, a little description of what Jahanam is like. This isn't all my own words, so if you want to see the video version visit: 


Allah says: That I swear by my honour, I will definitely fill Jahanam with the human kind, and I will fill Jahanam with the jinn kind.

Jahanam is where all types of punishment exists, from snakes, to scorpians, to extreme cold, to the fire of hell. 
This fire is like no fire within this universe! This fire is not orange or yellow like the dunya. No, its BLACK. 
The more you add fuel to fire, the hotter it becomes. The fire of Jahanam has been burning for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. 
Allah has been preparing this fire for the disobedience slaves of his on the day of judgement. Its 70-100 times hotter than any fire in the dunya. 

Jahanam will be bought on the plane of resurrection for mankind to see. 
The Prophet (saw) described that it will be bought with 70,000 ropes on every rein there will be 70,000 angels (remember that angels are STRONG), bringing jahanam, controlling jahanam on that day, jahanam will be angry like never before. 
That is because Jahanam will see that Allah is angry like never before. 

From when Jahanam takes a breath, from the first man, to the last man, he will fall flat into prostration and he will begin to beg for Allah's mercy and Allah protection. 
Subhanallah. "

We forget, as people that this world is temporary. We avoid the thought of death as though it is not reality even though we are well aware that it is. We avoid thinking about how many people are DYING. That they are actually experiencing the after world. Is that not scary? Is it not terrifying that we could at any moment drop and not be ready? Are we not worried about meeting our creator and trying to avoid haram. 

What will be enough to convince us of the reality? Are we really going to wait till the moment where we cannot ask Allah for forgiveness before we realise that our eternity is going to be either Jannah or Jahanam. 

We know that life is too short. Why are we playing with our futures. 
Its just hard to wrap our heads around it! But its even harder to find those who encourage us to do good. It is HARD to find people who are serious, who actually encourage you to be a better muslim. It is hard to find actual friends who encourage your imaan and strengthen it together. But then why should they? We are all going to fight our battles alone at the end of the day. 

This is just a reminder to myself and you. 

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Asalamualaykum Warahmatullah, 

How are you? 
I just wanted to quickly apologise, as I find myself doing more regularly with regards to my consistency on my blog. Recently I have had so much work to complete, and even now comes the exam period and so I cant guarantee my consistency. From now insha'Allah I want to make sure that I post at least once a weak but please bear with me. 

This year has been so strange when it comes to time. The way we approached the big milestones for this year has been crazy! 
I feel like things have come and gone so calmly that its hard to grasp how they happened and when they happened. 

The first assignments that we were set just came and went, our project for the year came and went, our assignment for that came and went. Meanwhile the dissertation was happened. When second semester began, we also had assignments to do, and one week where we had to hand in a good amount of assignments, which we thought was hectic, those came and went. We submitted our final assignment, we only had to complete the dissertation which was then given in yesterday. 

To me its so mind boggling that these times have simply come and gone. Im grateful for the ease in which they passed and I pray that the same thing happens when it comes to revision. 
It is just so crazy that things can happen in a matter of years and can change you as a person, make you grow and just leave you reflecting on how it had all happened. 

As much as I have reservations about moving forward, there is an element of excitement over what the future holds, which I have not felt in such a long time. It is the feeling on hope and aspiration and that there may be something out there for us after all. 

Sometimes things are supposed to aid you there for the moment, to be something that you look back on as a moment in your life for you to grow on and to use as a tool for realising your mistakes and just becoming better. 

One of the major surprises of my university experience so far has been my mother dear. 
Sometimes I cant comprehend how understanding she has been with me and how she has been open and patient. 
There were times when i'd wait for her to demand something from me but she hasn't, basically she silently put me back in my place haha! 
It has been nice to see our relationship grow better with distance and seem like it has become solid alhamdullilah. Just realising that at the end of the day, apart from Allah, your mother is the only one who actually is going to be there for you at the end of the day is a blessing.

Just, Alhamdullilah.