Asalamualaykum Warahmatullah,
How are you?
I just wanted to quickly apologise, as I find myself doing more regularly with regards to my consistency on my blog. Recently I have had so much work to complete, and even now comes the exam period and so I cant guarantee my consistency. From now insha'Allah I want to make sure that I post at least once a weak but please bear with me.
This year has been so strange when it comes to time. The way we approached the big milestones for this year has been crazy!

The first assignments that we were set just came and went, our project for the year came and went, our assignment for that came and went. Meanwhile the dissertation was happened. When second semester began, we also had assignments to do, and one week where we had to hand in a good amount of assignments, which we thought was hectic, those came and went. We submitted our final assignment, we only had to complete the dissertation which was then given in yesterday.
To me its so mind boggling that these times have simply come and gone. Im grateful for the ease in which they passed and I pray that the same thing happens when it comes to revision.
It is just so crazy that things can happen in a matter of years and can change you as a person, make you grow and just leave you reflecting on how it had all happened.
As much as I have reservations about moving forward, there is an element of excitement over what the future holds, which I have not felt in such a long time. It is the feeling on hope and aspiration and that there may be something out there for us after all.
Sometimes things are supposed to aid you there for the moment, to be something that you look back on as a moment in your life for you to grow on and to use as a tool for realising your mistakes and just becoming better.
One of the major surprises of my university experience so far has been my mother dear.
Sometimes I cant comprehend how understanding she has been with me and how she has been open and patient.
There were times when i'd wait for her to demand something from me but she hasn't, basically she silently put me back in my place haha!
It has been nice to see our relationship grow better with distance and seem like it has become solid alhamdullilah. Just realising that at the end of the day, apart from Allah, your mother is the only one who actually is going to be there for you at the end of the day is a blessing.
Just, Alhamdullilah.
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