Thursday 25 February 2016


Asalamualaykum Warahmatullah, 

This blog is going to be a special one, dedicated to my homey and best friend for lifey. 

Our story began on September the 16th, 2013 on a Sunday morning/ afternoon. 

I was in such a state that morning, having just moved in to university halls, after moving far from home. My family had travelled back home, and I thought that my university room's light could only give dim lighting, so I had set up a lamp. I wasn't particularly ready to start unpacking everything so I thought that I'd quickly pop down to sainsburys that I had seen on the drive in, just to get a few bits so I could feel somewhat settled. 

On my way back to the flat, as I opened the door, coming down the stairs, I saw a hijabi girl going into the kitchen. 
Pretty desperately if I may say so now, I was like: omg are you staying here?!!?!?!?
She was like yeah, and I went on to ask what she's studying and where she's from and all the common questions you ask when you first meet someone. 

Can you believe that: 
  1. We literally were living in the same building, and next door neighbours, in that she was the room next to me.
  2. She was from a predominantly white area, exactly like me. 
  3. She was a muslim hijabi girl 
  5. Her family consists of 3 boys and 1 girl, mine is 3 girls and 1 boy. 
There are a number of things that I could say that we found out we were similar in that day. 

From that day forward, alhamdullilah its become like family. Imagine spending almost three years of your life consistently with someone, you begin to know then very well.  

Its funny because you never really know what friendship is until you find someone who is different to the rest and you realise that it finally fits. 
Who we call friends now makes us realise that people who we called friends when we were younger were nothing because it lacked mutuality. 
To watch someone grow and for them to see you grow, whether its going through your tough times or your best times makes you understand and appreciate someone that little bit more. 

With any relationship or friendship comes its struggles or difficulties, but thats what taking time to recognise them and deal with them is there for. 

All we can really say is alhamdullilah for technology that allows us to create memories and preserve them. For the moments where we truly feel at peace, and for the experiences that you gain, and for the people who you spend them with. 

As I do with my sisters, you begin to care for your best friends as you do for you sisters. You begin to wish the best for the best for them, get inquisitive when you feel they are not making the right decision, get over-protective when there are unfamiliar vibes, and probably time apart makes you miss each other. 

As with anything, thinking of what you may not have in under a year begins to fill your heart as you come to realise that this is not forever. Being accessible to each-other in terms of visiting one another will become difficult as it wont just be a knock on the door. Becoming busy with life and careers and family will become more often. I had definitely taken advantage of the safety net of university that allowed me to look forward to the start of the year, not for the education but for my buddy. 

However, with friends you know. You know that effort needs to be made. More so with your best friend. 

Alhamdullilah - you know something was planned for you when the events fit like a jigsaw puzzle. 

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